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Maansa (मानसा)Intention, Spiritual; Intelligence

Also: Mansa
Madan Cupid, god of love
Madangopal (मदनगोपाल)Lord Krishna


Madhav Sweet like honey
Madur A bird
Mahendra Indra
Mahesh (महेश)Spreme God within Shaivism, one of the God of Creation, Destruction, Regeneration, Meditation, Arts, Yoga and Moksha.
Mahindar (महिंदर)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Mahindra A king
Manendra King of mind
Mangal Auspicious
Manindra Diamond
Maniram (मनिराम)Jewel of a person
Manish God of mind
Manjeet Conqueror of the mind
Manjit (मन्जित)Light of the Mind
Manjul (मन्जुल)One who is Handsome or Beautiful; Lovely, charming or pleasing.
Manlal (मनलाल)Please advise us the meaning of this name
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !)

Also: Manlaal
Mannil (मन्निल)Please advise us the meaning of Mannil.
Manoj (मनोज)Born of mind; Man = heart, oj = light
Manoram (मनोरम)Attractive, beautiful
Manprasad Mentally calm and cool person
((Meaning राम्रो भएपनि, तपाइको बच्चाको नाम यो नराख्नु होला | यो फंतुस नाम लिएर सबैले खिल्ली उदाउला !!!))
Manuj Son of Manu
((खै Manu भन्ने केटि को होला भनेर चाहिँ नासोद्नु होला !!))
Manvik (मानविक, मनविक )One who is conscious; Intelligent; Kind hearted; A kind hearted person
(जो सचेत छ; बुद्धिमान; दयालु हृदय; दयालु मन भएको मान्छे)
Manzil (मन्जिल)Destination
Meera (मीरा)Prosperous; One who brings wealth and success.
Mezan (मेज़ं)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Milan Union
((मिलन भनेको मिलन नै हो | बिछोडको उल्टा | (जस्तै, तपाई र तपाइको प्रेमिकाको सधै मिलन होस् !))
Mim (मिम)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Minnath (मिननाथ)Please advise us the meaning of Minnath.
Mirindra (मिरिन्द्)Please advise us the meaning of this name!
Mitesh (मितेश)One with few desires
Mohan Charming, fascinating
Mohit Ensnarled by beauty
((Ensnarled को Meaning google गर्नुहोला !!))
Monrath (मोनरथ)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Moti Pearl
Mrigendra (म्रिगेन्द्र )Please advise the meaning of this name.
Mukesh (मुकेश)Mukesh a Hindu god Shiva, and literally means conqueror of the Muka demona god of three worlds, heaven, hell and earth
Mukti Freedom from life and death
Mukul Bud
Mukunda Freedom giver
Munal (मुनाल, मुनल )Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Muni Sage
((मुनि भनेको तल पनि हो | तर यो नाम अलि राम्रो लागेन))
Munil (मुनिल)One with qualities of spontaneity, creativity, and exuberance
(सहजता, सृजनशीलता, र उत्साह को गुणहरु संग एक)
Murali Flute