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Aabesh (आबेश)Anger; Rage; Short-Tempered
Aabishkar (आविष्कार)One with a creative ability; Unique or Novel
Aadarsha (आदर्श)Idol; Mentor; With An Ideology


Aadesh (आदेश)Command; message
Aadit (आदित)New Starting
(नया सुरुवात )
Aaditya (आदित्य)Sun; As bright as the Sun; Belonging to Aditi
Aagat (आगत)Future
Aakar (आकार)Shape
Aakash (आकाश)The Sky
Aakash, Akash Sky
(भनेको आकाश)
Aarab (आरब)One who is capacious and powerful; Water-filled Cannel
Aarav (आराव)The name Aarav means Peaceful; Calm Sound and is of Nepalese origin.
Aaron (आरोन)A person or their rank or status at a high or powerful level.
Aaronsh (आरोंष, आरोन्श)Lofty; exalted; high mountain
Aarsan (आर्सन)Prince; Kind

Also: Arsan
Aarshav (आर्शव)Truthfulness; Bright; Pure; Worshipped, Divine; With regal dignity and power
Aartish (आर्तिश)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Aarus (आरुस)First ray of the sun
Aarusha (आरुशा, आरूषा)First rays of the morning sun which is life giving
Aaryaman (आर्यमन)Life-Partner; Close friend; Play-fellow; Companion
(जीवन साथी; घनिष्ठ मित्र; खेल्ने साथी; साथी)
Aaryan (आर्यन)Of Aryan desent
Aash Narayan [Newari] The God of Hope
Aashima (आशिम)Infinity
Aashish (आशिष)Blessings
Aashwin (आश्विन)Derived form Sanskrit it is the seventh month of the Lunar Hindu Calendar (Bikram Samvat - B. C calendar). It also means: "spear, lance" and "friend, protector, lord"

Also: Ashwin, Aswin
Aavash (आवश)Awareness; Reflection
(जागरूकता; परावर्तन)
Aayan (आयन)Start, New beginning; Gift of God
Aayush (आयुष)Long Life or Blessing.
Abeer (अबीर)Colour, Colourful
Abhay (अभय)Fearless; Brave
Abheek or Abhik Fearless Warload
Abhiman (अभिमान)Pride, Desire, Self respect; Perception of one's prestige or dignity and power.
Abhinanda To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless
Abhinav (अभिनव)Quite new
Abhinyush (अभिन्युश)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Abhirup (अभिरूप)Pleasing
Abhishek (अभिषेक)Shower of Milk; Water over an idol
Abichal (अविचल)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Abinab (अभिनव)In Sanskrit Abhinab means "very young", "quite new", "unique", "clever", and "bright".

Also: Abhinav
Abinash (अविनाश)Eternal; Immortal; One who is indestructible
(अनन्त; अमर; जो अविनाशी छ)
Abiraj (अबिराज)Saviour of Man; Fearless King
Abiral (अविरल )Never Ever Ending
(अन्तनै नभएको)
Abishek (अविशेक)A method of worship in Hinduism and Buddhism
(हिन्दू र बौद्ध धर्ममा पूजा गर्ने विधि)
Abishekh (अबिशेख, अविशेख)Denotes a method of worship in Hinduism where an auspicious bath is take fr aa deity; Ritual
Achut Imperishable; A name of Vishnu
Achyut (अच्युत)Imperishable; A name of Vishnu
Adarsh Ideal
Adesh (आदेश)Command
Adit (अदित)From the beginning; Peak
Aditya Sun
Adnan (आद्नन)Stay, Abide; Pioneer
Advik (अदविक )Unique
Agam (अगम)Unique
Agrim (अग्रिम)Leader, commander; One who is always ahead
Ahijit Conquerer of the serpent
Ahilan (अहिलन)Knowledgeable; Commanding
Ainesh The sun's glory
Ajay (अजय)Unconquerable, invincible
Ajit Unconquerable (Ajeet)
Ajit, Ajeet (अजित, अजीत)Unconquerable
Ajoy (अजोय)Unconquerable
Akash, Aakash Sky
(भनेको आकाश; जब तपाई खुला मैदानबाट माथि हेर्दा देखिने निलो कुरा)
Akhil Complete
Akhilesh Indestructible; Immortal
Aklesh (अकलेश)King of all
Akram (अक्रम)Generosity; Most Generous
Akrit (आकृत )Helping Others; One who is helpful
Albish (अल्बिश )Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Alok (आलोक)In Sanskrit it means "Light", "Brightness", and "Enlightenment".
Amal Bright, clean, pure
Aman (अमन)Peace, Calm, Shanti, Tranquillity, Fulfilled
Amar (अमर)Forever, Immortal
Amesh Hijada; Man without balls
Amish (अमिश, अमिष )Honest
Amit (अमित)Endless, Boundless
Amnish (अम्निश)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Amol (अमोल)Priceless, Valuable
Amrit (अमृत)Nectar; (in Hindu,Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods that will make one immortal
Amulya (अमुल्य)Priceless, Precious, Valuable
(कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल )
Anamol (अनमोल)Priceless
(कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल )
Aniket Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Anil (अनिल)God of Wind
Anish (अनिश)Supreme
Anjal (अन्जल)Messenger of God; A variant of name Angel
(ईश्वरको दूत; नाम एन्जिल को एक संस्करण)
Anjan (अन्जन)Unknown, Undisclosed, Untold
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !)
Ankit (अंकित)Represented; Specified
Anshu (अंशु)The Ray of Sun
Ansuman (अन्सुमान )The Sun; Lord Surya (Sun)
Anu (अनु)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Anubhav (अनुभव)A Beautiful Experience; Great Experience;
Anuj Younger brother
Anup (अनुप)In Sanskrit the name Anup means: 'watery', 'situated near the water', 'bank of a river', 'pond', 'lagoon'
Anupam Incomparable
Anush (अनुष)Beautiful morning or Star or Following desires
Anwesh (अन्वेष)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Arbin (अरबिन)King of water
Arhan (आर्हन)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !)
Arhant Destroyer of enemies
Aria (आरिया)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Arista (अरिस्ता) In greek it means "the best" but in Latin it means "harvest."
Arjun (अर्जुन)In Sanskrit it means "bright, shining, white, focus, clear". It is also derived from the name Arjuna, a warrior-hero in Hindu mythology from the Mahabharata.
Arpan (अर्पण)Offering; The act of one who offers
Arsan (आर्सन)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Arun Sun; mythical charioteer of the sun; dawn
Aryadhit (अर्यधित)The Sun
Aryan (आर्यन)Originally spelt "Arian", this name is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya (आर्य) which means "honorable". In Iranian, it also means "warrior"
Ashim (अशिम)Boundless; Endless; Unlimited.
Ashish (आशिश)Blessing
Ashok (अशोक)Emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE.

Also: Ashoka
Ashoksamir (अशोक्समिर)The silent star
Ashu (अशु)Quick; One who is happy
Ashwin (आश्विन)In Sanskrit, Ashwin means "light". It is also name of a month in Bikram Samvat calendar. In Thai, Ashwin (also known as Asaween) means "brave knight".
Asphak (अस्फाक)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Atal (अटल)The person who leads or commands a group, organisation, or country; Hero; Guide
Atma Soul
Atul Matchless
Avaya (अभय)Fearless
Avhyudaya (अव्ह्युदय)Rising Sun; A Great Beginning
Awanish (अवानिष, अवानिश)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Ayaan (आयान)Start; New Beginning
Ayan (आयन)Start; New Beginning
Ayansh (अयंश)The first Ray of light; Part of God
(प्रकाशको पहिलो किरण; भगवानको अंश)
Ayush (आयुष)Long Life